Monday, 1 December 2014

The Social Media Killer!

I hate the term "Social Media".  I loathe it.  Almost as much as I loathe the idea that there are people out there who are "Social Media Trainers".  SMT's are only one step less loathsome than the Happy Clappy Personal Trainer types who run near Religious style gatherings telling people how they can "Improve their lives" *spit* *spit*.

I knew a Social Media Trainer.  She was nice enough, a bit "over perfect" in her lifestyle, in a slightly nauseous way, but I just viewed the sort of stuff she did as some sort of 21st Century con trick.  Sure, there are people who could use being pointed in the right direction in using the various platforms available - but I really do not believe that with the "service" being as young as it is - that anyone can claim to be an "Expert" in Social Media.

My General advice is - buy a cheap book about it - 'cos it'll save you a lot of money over going to some Happy Clappy Seminar.

Of course, there have been some useful groupings of people on the website portals, getting together to March, or Petition the Government about things.  Useful "Support Groups" or gatherings of local people to discuss local things in ways they may never have connected before!


What have we become? There is Facebook Group after Facebook Group - Moaning about stuff? We do love a good old moan - which is what you'll notice me doing here! A few years ago for instance, there was (and still is) this thing called the "People's Assembly" - It was born from the sort of thinking by the likes of Owen Jones, Tony Benn, Mark Thomas etc, that someone had to stand up against what the Tories were offering because Labour were being bloody useless.

It brought together the middle classes over the usual tree huggers and hipppies - but it brought them as well - and all seemed good as they rallied around the country discussing stuff and speaking with one voice about......


In the end, it was a little old ladies tea party! You could imagine Monty Python's Hell's Grannies sitting around, drinking tea and saying "Ooh! Isn't all this terrible! We should do something about it - right after we've had a cup of tea!"

.........and that was it.

.........and marches were arranged. 50,000 marched in Manchester.

They were ignored.

100,000 marched in London.

They were ignored.

100,000 signed a petition.

A debate was held in Parliament. 15 MP's turned up and...

Then they were ignored!

So there we go.  Is "Social Media" working? or is it just giving people a sounding board to save them taking to the streets - and even when they do go to the streets, nothing happens anyway!

Still. Mustn't grumble.  

Might just have another cup of tea. 

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